Functional benefits of labioplasty
Labioplasty Sydney
Labioplasty (sometimes spelled labiaplasty; both spellings are correct) is a procedure to reshape the labia minora, the “inner lips” of the female genitals. Most women who choose to have a labioplasty do so for functional reasons – because the shape and size of their labia is creating problems in their daily life, such as discomfort when wearing tight clothing, twisting or tugging of the labia during intercourse, or chafing or other discomfort during exercise.
A landmark study published in the prestigious scientific journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery may offer hope to these women. The study showed that labioplasty has a high success rate at treating functional issues like these.
Functional benefits of labioplasty
The study followed a group of women who had chosen to undergo labioplasty. There was a wide age range, from 17 to 61. These women were surveyed about their symptoms before their procedures, and then again about a year later.
Before having surgery, all of the women reported having symptoms related to their labial hypertrophy (overly large labia). Many women had several different symptoms, with the average being six. Certain symptoms were reported by over half of the women, including tugging and twisting, negative impact on physical intimacy, clothing restrictions, discomfort, self-consciousness, and negative self-esteem.
After surgery, there was a dramatic increase in symptoms. 93.5% of the patients reported being symptom-free – they no longer had any of the symptoms that they’d had before the procedure. Of the most common symptoms, three of them disappeared completely after having labioplasty, including feeling less attractive, tugging with intercourse, and negative impact on intimacy. The other symptoms were reported much more rarely after the procedure.
Types of labioplasty
There are two main techniques for labioplasty, and this study included both of them. About 80% of the women had a trim labioplasty. This technique removes tissue along the edge of the labia minora in order to reduce their size. The rest of the women had a wedge labioplasty, in which a wedge of tissue is removed from the labia and the edges are brought back together.
In this study, both techniques were shown to be effective, with neither one performing better than the other. The decision about which technique to use is made by each patient in consultation with her surgeon, and is based on various patient factors as well as patient preference.
Labioplasty Sydney
If you’re bothered by symptoms of labial hypertrophy (overly large labia), then this study is evidence that labioplasty has a very high success rate at treating those symptoms. If you’re thinking about having this procedure, then your next step is to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon. You’ll have a chance to learn more about the procedure, and to discuss which technique might be best in your case.
Dr. Sandercoe has experience with performing both trim and wedge labioplasty, and offers this procedure to women here in Sydney. His patients appreciate having a surgeon who speaks in plain English instead of medical jargon, and who believes in being honest and direct about what a particular procedure can and can’t accomplish. You can book your appointment by emailing or calling us (links are on the left of this page).