In this video, Dr. Gavin Sandercoe of Norwest Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Sydney performs an explant surgery on a patient and you get a sight of how the surgery is performed. The video begins with pictures of how the patient looked like before the surgery. It then continues to show how a plane around the implant capsule is developed. Then you see the En bloc capsulectomy/explants in progress being performed on the patient by Dr. Sandercoe. Thereafter, the deep surface of the breast gland and pec major after explants of the submuscular implant is shown.
Once the pec major reconstruction to rib insertion is complete, you witness the drains getting inserted to remove the seroma fluid. You also see how the implant delivery gets done for complete capsulectomy. As the video continues, the removed implants and capsules are exhibited while the surgery progresses and is about to be completed. Dr. Sandercoe then, closes the incisions in very precise manner. Thereafter the pictures of the patient after the explants surgery is complete are shown. As the video nears its ending you see how the patient’s appearance has transformed with the help of the explant surgery while you see the before and after the explants surgery pictures of the patient.
