Dr Gavin Sandercoe
Cosmetic Surgery Tourism vs. Sydney Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery in Sydney
Thinking of a cheap overseas holiday with some cosmetic surgery thrown in? And relaxing on a tropical beach to recuperate? Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Well, you are in the website of Dr Gavin Sandercoe who is a Sydney-based Specialist Plastic Surgeon. Not surprisingly, I would caution you to think very carefully about it. There are good reasons to stay in Australia for your cosmetic or plastic surgery, despite the costs. And to be fair, it also means that I am advising the international visitors to my site to reconsider their decision to fly to Sydney to have me perform their cosmetic procedures. Having plastic surgery in Sydney is far safer than having it in many other countries.
Safety of Plastic Surgery in Sydney
All plastic and cosmetic surgery is real surgery. It has risks and complications. The best surgeons in the world at any given procedure still have things go wrong to their patients. Complications can occur during and after an operation.
Less than half of all complications will occur within the first week after an operation. Especially with breast implants, the interface between the body and the implant (capsule) continues to evolve over about a year until it is stable, like all scars. And then it can still change for periods of time longer than that. Changes in this capsule can change your result from great to terrible. If your surgeon is overseas, how will you have this managed?
Quality of Materials Used in Plastic Surgery in Sydney
A common issue that Sydney Plastic Surgeons also see is the quality of implants that are used overseas. Most of us have seen at least one patient who believes that they have had reputable brands of implants used in their surgery, only to find during a re-operation that a non-recognised brand has been used. The usual fail safes we have in Australia, including implant stickers and serial numbers, have been faked overseas on multiple occasions. When you have plastic surgery in Sydney, then you can be confident that what’s put into your body is exactly what you chose.
Training of Plastic Surgeons in Sydney
The depth and breadth of training of your surgeon is part of your recipe for success, and your surgeon’s ability to deal with problems. There is no method of guaranteeing an overseas surgeon’s credentials and comparing their training with that of Australian Plastic Surgeons. You can be confident that a plastic surgeon in Sydney is highly-trained in a reputable program and has the knowledge and skills necessary to provide you with safety and a great result.
Safety of Plastic Surgery in Sydney
Everyone wants to minimise their risk. Would you get on a plane that did not appear to be well maintained, or drive a car with brakes that sounded dodgy? Why risk your health with elective surgery? Choosing to have your plastic surgery in Sydney is the best choice for your health, and also gives you the best chance of getting the great results you want.
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