- Body Contouring in Sydney
- Labioplasty Procedure
- Body Lift Procedure
- Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Procedure
- Liposuction Procedure
- Brachioplasty (Arm Reduction or Lift) Procedure
- Thigh & Buttock Lift Procedure
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- Mini Tummy Tuck and Short Scar Abdominoplasty
- Body Lift Recovery
- Liposuction Recovery
- Brachioplasty (Arm Reduction or Lift) Recovery
- Thigh & Buttock Lift Recovery
- Medial Thigh Lift Recovery
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- Abdominoplasty Results
- Body Lift Cost in Sydney
- Liposuction Costs
- Brachioplasty (Arm Reduction or Lift ) Cost
- Thigh & Buttock Lift Cost
- Medial Thigh Lift Cost
- Umbilical Appearance
- Umbilical Necrosis
- Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Recovery
- Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Cost
Liposuction Procedure
Liposuction in Sydney – Procedure
What happens during liposuction in Sydney?
When you book your appointment to discuss liposuction, you will be sent a Patient Information Form. Completing this and returning it prior to your appointment will streamline your appointment. From the 1st July 2023 onwards, Federal Guidelines state that you will also need to complete a screening questionnaire for Body Dysmorphic Disorder when making your appointment.
Consultation appointments prior to liposuction in Sydney
At your first consultation, you should expect to spend about an hour with Dr Gavin Sandercoe. During this time he will take a thorough history and examination. Measurements of the areas you wish to be treated, and the quality & thickness of overlying tissue, will help your specialist plastic surgeon plan your liposuction in Sydney. Digital photographs are taken to assist with planning and explaining any asymmetries or limitations.
Dr Gavin Sandercoe is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon with training and experience in many techniques of liposuction. He does not favour one particular technique for his patients seeking liposuction in Sydney – instead, he will help you understand which type of surgery will best suit your fat distribution and your recovery needs.
Dr Gavin Sandercoe will discuss what you wish to achieve from your procedure. The risks and expectations of the procedure are then discussed and you are given a take home information package to review before your second consultation. You are offered a second consultation free of charge to give you the opportunity to ask more questions that may have arisen after reading your information package, and to confirm your aims and choices. Before you commit to having liposuction in Sydney, we want to make sure you have all of the information about the risks and benefits, so you can make the right decision for you. The Federal Guidelines for Cosmetic Surgery that came into effect on 1st July 2023 classify liposuction as purely cosmetic, so a second consult is mandatory.
If you choose to proceed, you will then schedule your liposuction in Sydney.
The day of your liposuction in Sydney
Dr Gavin Sandercoe only performs liposuction in Sydney in accredited hospitals and day surgeries, ensuring that your safety is paramount. Prior to your operation, you will have planning marks drawn on you and a digital photograph taken.
You are put to sleep by a specialist anaesthetist (general anaesthetic), and pain relief and antibiotics are given through a drip before the operation is started. The antibiotic helps to prevent an infection from developing in the incisions, helping to minimise your post operative complications.
The procedure begins with the liposuction infiltrate being administered. There is a short period of time that is required in waiting for the local anaesthetic and adrenaline to take effect prior to the liposuction being performed. Liposuction is performed on the selected areas with cannulas of varying sizes and from different angles to give you the smoothest result possible. During the procedure, the thickness of your remaining fat is intermittently checked to ensure that an even fat layer is left behind and that the layer remains thick enough to be safe. The incisions are then closed and dressings applied. Your surgical compression garment will be fitted before you wake up & go to the recovery room.
Liposuction procedures are usually performed as a day surgery, so you should expect to go home that evening. Larger areas and volumes of liposuction should be performed as inpatient procedure – an overnight stay in hospital is arranged to ensure your safety. By definition, over 5L of aspirate is termed mega-liposuction, and this is the tipping point that requires intensive care monitoring overnight to make you safe from potential fluid shifts. Your specialist plastic surgeon will choose the option that best ensures your safety during and after your liposuction in Sydney.
Watch ASPS 3D Animation: Liposuction
What are the risks of liposuction in Sydney?
You can click on the above link to go to a webpage that discusses the risks of liposuction in Sydney. Alternatively, below is Dr Gavin Sandercoe‘s consent document that outlines the risks of liposuction in Sydney. Please read this document, and watch the video of the risks being explained, prior to your appointment with Dr Gavin Sandercoe.
Patient Education Library