Breast Fat Grafting Patient Selection
Breast Fat Grafting in Sydney - Ideal Patient
Who gets good results from fat grafting to the breast?
Like all surgical procedures, achieving good results begins with appropriate patient selection.
What makes a patient ‘ideal’ for autologous fat transfer to the breast (for either cosmetic or reconstructive reasons)?
- Relatively symmetrical breasts, or understanding what is required in correcting breast asymmetry
- Appropriate fat stores
- Relatively weight stable
- No skin excess, and good skin quality
- Nipples in an appropriate position on chest wall
- Only wanting a 1 cup size increase in volume, or prepared to have multiple sessions of fat grafting
- Prepared to undergo pre-operative & post operative breast cancer screening
- Non-smokers only
So in short, younger women that are non smokers and within a healthy weight range are the best candidates.
Women that have had their breast skin stretched either through pregnancy or weight loss, or that require nipple repositioning, can be disappointed with their results from autologous fat transfer, and often do better with breast implants.
Making a decision about fat transfer vs breast implants requires an in depth discussion with your Specialist Plastic Surgeon in Sydney, so that you understand the pros & cons of each procedure, and are accepting of both the benefits and risks of the choice that you make.
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