Breast Reduction Procedure
Breast Reduction in Sydney - Procedure
What happens during a breast reduction in Sydney?
When you book your appointment to discuss breast reduction in Sydney, you will be sent a Patient Information Form. Completing this and returning it prior to your appointment will streamline your appointment.
Consultation appointments prior to your breast reduction in Sydney
At your first appointment, you should expect to spend about an hour with Dr Gavin Sandercoe. During this time he will take a thorough history and examination. Measurements of your breast and nipple dimensions, and the quality & thickness of overlying tissue, will help plan which is the most appropriate surgical technique for you. Digital photographs are taken to assist with planning and explaining any asymmetries or limitations. 3-D photography is usually used to help with planning.
Dr Gavin Sandercoe is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon with training and experience in many techniques of breast reduction. He does not favour one particular technique – instead, he will help you understand which type of surgery will best suit your breasts and your recovery needs, creating a personalised plan for your breast reduction in Sydney.
Dr Gavin Sandercoe will discuss what you wish to achieve from your procedure. The risks and expectations of the procedure are then discussed and you are given a take home information package to review before your second consultation. You are offered a second consultation free of charge to give you the opportunity to ask more questions that may have arisen after reading your information package, and to confirm your aims and choices for your breast reduction in Sydney.
The day of your breast reduction in Sydney
Dr Gavin Sandercoe only performs breast reductions in Sydney in accredited hospitals and day surgeries, ensuring that your safety is paramount. Prior to your operation, you will have planning marks drawn on you and a digital photograph taken, usually on the Tuesday prior to your operation.
You are put to sleep by a specialist anaesthetist (general anaesthetic), and pain relief and antibiotics are given through a drip before the operation is started.
The breast and nipple incisions are made and the required breast tissue removal is performed. The nipples are sutured into their new position and you are sat upright to check for symmetry. Drains are rarely placed into the breasts. The incisions are then closed and dressings applied. Your surgical bra will be fitted before you wake up & go to the recovery room.
Most breast reduction procedures are performed as a day surgery procedure, but some patients elect to stay overnight. Almost all patients that stay overnight feel well enough to go home the next morning. Dr Gavin Sandercoe & his team will monitor you to ensure your safety during and after your breast reduction in Sydney.
What are the risks of breast reduction in Sydney?
You can click on the above link to go to a webpage that discusses the risks of breast reduction surgery. Alternatively, below is Dr Gavin Sandercoe‘s consent document that outlines the risks of breast reduction in Sydney. Please read this document, and watch the video of the risks being explained, prior to your appointment with Dr Gavin Sandercoe.
Breast Reduction Risks 2023 PDF
Click here to view Dr Gavin Sandercoe’s Breast Reduction Before and After Gallery
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