Cheek Enhancement
Cheek Enhancement in Sydney
Are you considering cheek enhancement in Sydney?
Did you know that there are multiple methods in modern facial plastic surgery to help the shape of your cheeks? The appearance of the cheek needs to be considered in conjunction with the impact of adjacent facial units (the lips and lower eyelids) when considering cheek enhancement in Sydney.
As we age, some of the fat overlying the cheek bones slides down our face and the cheek bone loses thickness. This results in a hollow looking lower eyelid and heavy nasolabial fold. Because of this, older patients generally have better results from surgical options, whilst younger patients can achieve results through more minor procedures such as filler injections.
Options that can be considered for cheek enhancement in Sydney include:-
• Injections of dermal fillers to add volume to the cheek
• Implants that are attached to the cheek bone to change the shape, and increase projection, of the cheek
• Fat grafting
• Adding extra bone onto the cheek bones
• Repositioning the fat pads of the face
Deep dermal filler injections are performed at Norwest Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery under local anaesthesia by Sydney Plastic Surgeon, Dr Gavin Sandercoe.
Surgical options are usually performed in conjunction with another procedure, such as a face lift or lower eyelid surgery, so pricing is not included on our website as it varies widely. They would be performed by Dr Gavin Sandercoe at an accredited hospital or day surgery under general anaesthesia administered by a specialist anaesthetist to ensure your safety. It is very rare for any of these procedures to attract funding from Medicare, or therefore, your health fund.
What does Dr Sandercoe offer?
During an initial consultation with Sydney Plastic Surgeon, Dr Gavin Sandercoe will determine what your individual circumstances are, so that Dr Sandercoe can explain what your options are for changing your cheek shape and which might work best in your particular case. Dr Gavin Sandercoe is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon with training in several different techniques of cheek enhancement in Sydney. Dr Gavin Sandercoe does not favour one particular technique – he will discuss your options and propose a technique that fits within your requests.
Find out more about an initial surgical consultation.
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