Weight loss, aging effects, genetics or bariatric surgery can result in sagging skin on arms, abdomen, belly, thighs or even chest. Dr. Gavin Sandercoe has been performing body contouring in Sydney for many years now and explains the value and benefits of the same in addressing such concerns. He emphasizes on the importance of removing the excess skin. It is imperative for patients to discuss in detail about the options available with an expert plastic surgeon. He also mentions that small scar variance of body contouring surgeries can only address small deformities and to deal with large hanging folds of skin, a bigger scar is an absolute necessity.
Dr. Gavin Sandercoe, Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon
Hi I am Dr. Gavin Sandercoe, this is a short clip about body contouring. When you lose weight, whether it be through diet and exercise or after bariatric surgery, you are going to be left with lots of loose skin. Some people skin would suck up and shrink back better than others. Stretch marks really give you a good signal that the elastic in your skin has been stretched beyond its capability and it’s not going to rebound. Once you have done all the hard work and lost that weight what you do and do is have your body back. The important thing is that you can get rid of that excess skin. There are Medicare item numbers that make it claimable and many of the Medicare item numbers are covered by most of the health funds. The important thing is to see a specialist plastic surgeons about your options. The bigger the problem the longer the scar needs to be to address the problem. There’s lot of great short scar variance of many of the operations that we do, arm lifts and thigh lifts and things like that. But the short scar options really only address small deformities and big deformities just need to have big scar. We’ll be happy to talk to you at any stage that you’d like to, to come and talk to us about getting back the shape that you deserve now that you have lost all your weight.
