Dr. Gavin Sandercoe opens about how breast fat grafting in Sydney is becoming popular. He further shares how it can be an effective procedure, though there tends to be slight scarring. Dr Gavin talks about how grafted cells can stimulate unstable cells into tripping into becoming a cancerous cell. As per him, although there are still many questions related to fat grafting that have no answer as of now, but the procedure of fat grafting to breast will be an option in future. Dr. Gavin is not recommending it as a reconstruction technique but simply wants his viewers to watch the video as it might change their opinion in the coming years.
Dr. Gavin Sandercoe, Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon
Hi I’m Dr. Gavin Sandercoe and I’d like to talk a bit about fat grafting to the breast. Fat Grafting to the breast is becoming an increasingly hot topic in plastic surgery circles today in 2013. There’s been a lot of questions raised about it in the past and the American society of Plastic Surgeons has only recently started to endorse the idea after banning it over a decade ago. So what we do now is, yes it works and with good hands and good technique you can get about 50 or 60 % of what you take or what you put into a breast area to take and be maintained overtime. We do know that it does cause some scarring. However, a well trained radiologist can tell the difference between this scarring and the flexing calcifications shown in breast cancer. In fact the scarring that’s caused by fat grafting to the breast is no worse than the scarring that we see after a breast reduction. The remaining question that we still haven’t really shown is can this or could this potentially increase the woman breast cancer rate. Now in Australia where we know about one in seven to one in cancer across their lifetime. Is it acceptable to make it more like one in seven than one in ten? And this in shows at least in the laboratory, in animal models and in slides and dishes and things like that, that grafted cells can stimulate unstable cells into tripping into becoming a cancerous cell. Now does that translate into the native breast in a human and the answer is we just don’t know. There are some studies that suggest that at ten years there is no increase in those numbers but they’ve been pretty weak in terms of study, study design and I think that’s the reason some of the insurance companies are not insuring us at this stage. I believe that fat grafting to breast will be an option in future. It may not be a commercially viable option but for the people that really want it and want their breast increased in size but don’t want to take the other risks that are involved in having an implant, it will certainly become something that we discuss in the future. At the time I’m shooting this video in May of 2013, I ‘m not offering this as a reconstruction technique but just watch this page and the view may change within next year or two.
