Dr. Gavin talks about his own interests and credentials. He had been the Head of the department at Liverpool Hospital which is a very busy trauma centre in Sydney and is a renowned plastic surgeon in Syndey. His specialist interest area is facial reconstruction after trauma and breast reconstruction after mastectomy or breast cancer. His private practice is a mix of cosmetic and reconstructive practices. He discusses about what all procedures are carried out at his practice. Dr. Gavin has had a lot of fun with patients with breast reconstruction and facial reconstruction. He has really enjoyed giving his patients extremely good results and eventually a happy life.
Dr. Gavin Sandercoe, Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon
I became a plastic surgeon because I wanted to be involved in reconstruction patients after trauma. I initially wanted to do general surgery trauma and I realised that I was actually more adept and had more fun in the reconstructive side of things. I did my training in Sydney that was from back 2003 through to about 2007 and i finished my training in early 2008. I’m currently the head of the department at Liverpool Hospital which is a very busy trauma centre in Sydney and my specialist interest area is facial reconstruction after trauma and breast reconstruction after mastectomy or breast cancer. I opened my private practice here at Northwest in early 2010. My practice is essentially a mixed cosmetic and reconstructive practice here. We do a lot of breast work and body contouring but we still do all the small things that patients need. Things like scar revisions skin cancers and things like that. The patients that give me the greatest pleasure are the patients that I’m able to change their lives and sometimes that’s as little as doing a breast reduction for somebody that’s always had battled with being able to exercise or breast augmentation for somebody that always felt self conscious about their imbalance between the size of their breast and the rest of their body. Patients that are usually very grateful, patients that I’ve lot of fun operating for and with are my breast reconstruction and my facial reconstruction patients. Turning a bad problem like a mastectomy for breast cancer or a smashed face from a car accident into a good result and letting them get back on with their lives is what I really enjoy.
